Respiratory tract

Supplements for nose and throat protection in case of colds, coughs, and flu
Coughs, sore throat, irritations, flu, colds, and sinusitis: winter puts a strain on the respiratory tract. However, nature is a "fist aid" rich in phytoextracts that help us fight and soothe inflammation of the nose and throat mucous membranes while strengthening our defenses against seasonal diseases.
Lattoferrina 200 Immuno Stick
It is a food supplement of lactoferrin.
Lattoferrina 200 Immuno Capsules
It is a food supplement of lactoferrin.
Lichensed® Adult Syrup - Stick Pack
Quickly soothes dry cough and productive cough.
Lichensed® Adult Syrup
Quickly soothes dry cough and productive cough
Lichensed® Children Syrup - Stick Pack
Quickly soothes dry cough and productive cough
Lichensed® Children's Syrup - 200 ml
Quickly soothes dry cough and productive cough
Lichensed® Throat Spray
Immediate relief for sore throat
Lichensed® Tablets
Immediate relief for sore throat
Lichensed® Nasal Spray
Calms irritations and favors the elimnination of mucus
PropolAC® Flu Effervescente
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver with NAC. Fluidifying and expectorant action
PropolAC® Flu Effervescente
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver with NAC. Fluidifying and expectorant action
PropolAC® Syrup - Stick Pack
Synergy of propolis and colloidal silver for the treatment of irritative situations, associated with cough and mucus secretion.
PropolAC® Syrup - Stick Pack
Synergy of propolis and colloidal silver for the treatment of irritative situations, associated with cough and mucus secretion.
PropolAC® Syrup - Bottle
Synergy of propolis and colloidal silver for the treatment of irritative situations, associated with cough and mucus secretion
PropolAC® Syrup - Bottle
Synergy of propolis and colloidal silver for the treatment of irritative situations, associated with cough and mucus secretion
PropolAC® Throat Spray
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver for the protection of the throat, and the health of the voice.
PropolAC® Throat Spray
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver for the protection of the throat, and the health of the voice.
PropolAC® Throat Spray Children
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver for the protection of the throat, and the health of the voice
PropolAC® Throat Spray Children
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver for the protection of the throat, and the health of the voice
PropolAC® Nasal Spray
Synergy of Propolis and Colloidal silver to decongest the nasal mucosa
PropolAC® Propoli Estratto No Alcohol
Glyceric extract of propolis.